人生一回,自在逍遙,順勢而起,小大無憂。 (圖片:手寫文字)
之後更喜歡上了莊子內篇 ‧ 逍遙遊。 (圖片:手繪浩瀚山水圖)
In the Northern Darkness there is a fish, his name is Kun. Kun is so big that I don't know how many thousands of li long he is. He changes into a bird, named Peng. Peng's back is I don't know how many thousand li wide. When he takes off, his wings seem to cover the clouds. When the currents move, then this bird takes off for the Southern Darkness, to the Heavenly Pond. 【語譯】
The Universal Harmony records various amazing things, and about Peng, it says: “When Peng takes off for the Southern Darkness, after roiling the seas for three thousand li, as he ascends ninety thousand li, availing himself to the early summer winds, his flapping causes typhoons. The dust flies about and living creatures are blown about amongst each other.” Is the blueness of heaven its real color? Or does it look like that just because it is so far off? When Peng looks down, it's the same way.
Now, if you don't pile up water deeply enough, it won't have enough strength to carry a large boat. If you pour the water out of a cup into a depression in the floor, then little bits of trash become boats. If you place the cup in that water, it will stick, since the water is shallow and the boat is large. So, if the wind is not piled up deeply enough, then it doesn't have the strength to support the great wings of Peng. Therefore when Peng flies up ninety-thousand li, he needs to have the wind under him like this. Only after this, when the wind is piled up, can he ride on the blue sky with nothing to stop him, after which he aims for the south.
The Cicada and Little Dove laugh, saying: “I set my mind on leaping up and flying, jumping from the elm tree to the sandalwood, but always end up not getting there, and fall back to the ground. How can he fly 90,000 li to the south?” Someone who takes a day trip to the local meadow has three meals and comes back home with his stomach still full. Someone who is going to travel one hundred li grinds his grain the night before. If you are going a thousand li, you need three months to gather provisions. What do these two little creatures know?
Small understanding can't match great understanding; the short-lived cannot match the long-lived. How do we know this? The Morning Mushroom knows nothing of the dawn and twilight. The Summer Cicada knows nothing of the spring and fall. They are the short-lived. In the south of Chu there is the Mingling which counts five hundred years as its spring, and five hundred years as its fall. In great antiquity there was a great Camelia, which counted eight thousand years as its spring, and eight thousand years as its fall. And nowadays, Ancestor Peng is known for his longevity, and everyone tries to follow him. Isn't it a shame?
Tang's questions to Ji were about none other than this. In the extremely barren north, there is a dark sea, which is the Heavenly Pond. There is a fish there, which is several thousand li in breadth, and I don't know how long. It's name is Kun.
There is a bird, whose name is Peng, whose back is as huge as Mt. Tai. His wings cover the sky like the clouds, and when he beats his wings [the winds] turn into a cyclone like the horns of a ram, as he ascends ninety-thousand li. Cutting through the clouds and mist, he carries the blue sky, after which he sets his sights for the south, journeying all the way to the Southern Darkness.
The little quail laughs, saying: “How can he do such a thing? I jump up and fly several meters and then fall down flopping and flailing in the midst of the weeds and brambles. And that's the most one can fly anyhow. Where does he think he is going?” This is the difference between the great and the small.
Hence we know that the intelligence sufficient for a single office, the behavior appropriate [to lead] a single village, the merit matching that of a local ruler, or the judgment of running the entire country are still nothing more than one's own point of view, and are thus like this little bird (i.e., each thinks his knowledge is sufficient). ) Yet Rongzi of the Song has a good laugh over it. Furthermore, if the whole world praised him it was no special encouragement, and if the whole world criticized him, he was not especially discouraged. Here, he determined the divisions of inner and outer, and distinguished between glory and disgrace. He did not fret about [his place in] the world; yet, he was still not perfect.
Now Liezi took off riding the wind, cool and skillful, coming back two weeks later — he was not concerned over gaining fortune. Even though he could avoid walking, there were still things for which he had to wait. But if one rides on the normal processes of heaven and earth, and directs the distinction of the six vapors31in order to course in the limitless, what is there to wait for? Hence it is said: “In the perfected man there is no selfishness; in the spiritual man, no accomplishment; in the holy man, no [concern for] reputation.”